A blog about sustainable living and personal enrichment

Take these 5 easy steps and your mental health will thank you

Sun rays shining through tree branches

We are lucky to live in a time where discussing about mental health has become common, and we are all learning to talk about mental issues respectfully and without prejudices.

It can be harder, however, to deal with mental health problems when they affect us directly; it’s often not easy to recognise them and identify the cause, and some of us may not know how to express certain feelings, or may not know whom they can talk to.

There are many things you can do for your mental health, but here are 5 steps you can take to focus on what’s important for you and your mental wellbeing.

Take time to check in with yourself every day

Simply put, you can’t love other people if you don’t love and respect yourself in the first place. Taking care of your mind and body is not selfish, and self-care rituals can help you dealing with everyday challenges with a stronger mindset.

Engaging in activities that bring you joy and keep you healthy will improve your mood and help you relax and recharge. Knowing your strengths and limitations will make it easier to set boundaries, prioritizing your wellbeing over others’ needs and demands.

Don’t surround yourself with negative people

Most of the time, you have the freedom to choose whom you spend time with, so do that wisely: life is too short to spend it with people who doesn’t make you feel good about yourself and the world around you.

Build your confidence by nurturing your mind with positive thoughts, and you will face life challenges with more resilience by improving your problem solving skills. With this mindset, you will learn to see setbacks and adversities as opportunities to grow and develop new skills, becoming more adaptable while keeping your stress levels low and manageable.

Learn to not worry about what other people think about you

You are the only person who can really know what’s best for you; people might give you advices but at the end of the day it’s your life and you have the last word: follow your inner voice and always trust your instincts.

When feeling under pressure, take a moment to slow down and assess the situation, to find out what’s causing you to worry: never delve in the past but live in the present, trying to embrace the good and the bad with an open mind.

Take a step back and observe how you feel and react to different situations: this mindfulness exercise will keep your mind free of negative thoughts and you will be best equipped to face new challenges, by staying focused and determined to reach your goals.

Love your gut

Do you remember the last time you felt sick to your stomach before an important event in your life? Our brain and our gut are connected, and higher anxiety levels can be both a cause and a consequence of digestive problems; take good care of you gut by eating foods rich in fibres and probiotics.

A balanced diet, combined with regular exercise and quality sleep can do wonders for your physical wellbeing; mindfulness practices can help to keep your stress levels down, in a virtuous cycle where your mental health can benefit and thrive.

Don’t suffer in silence

If you are struggling don’t be ashamed, and ask for help to your doctor, your family or your friends…you can also look for mental health charities operating where you live, there are so many people out there able and willing to help you. You might think that you are alone, but you are not: understanding that everybody can have mental health issues can help you to open up and acknowledge your feelings, in a journey towards self-discovery and healing.

Become a stronger you

When it comes to be mentally healthy, your best ally is yourself.

By incorporating any of these steps, if not all of them, in your daily routine, you will be best equipped in a journey of self-discovery where you will learn to love yourself and your life; by learning how to give your body and mind the care and attention they deserve, you will be able to do the same with the people around you, and be a positive presence for the people you love.