A blog about sustainable living and personal enrichment

How to eat healthy when you are on a budget

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be only for the rich; follow our 6 tips below and you’ll be able to buy good quality food without spending too much money…in some cases, you might even end up saving!

  • Keep a look on discounts and special offers, but always check the quality of the food; buying in bulk will often make you save money, but it works better with non perishable items. Find our tips for grocery shopping here.
  • Love your tap water; this will vary depending on where you live. I used to live in London, and drinking water from my tap was like drinking melted iron…BUT most households will have good drinking tap water, healthier and more refreshing than most drinks we can buy in the store…give it a chance and try yours, you might become addicted to it. Or use a water filter.
  • Organise your fridge and freezer to make food last longer; dairy and fresh produce are better stored at the top, which is usually warmer than the bottom, good for raw meat and fish. Trust your senses when checking expiration dates: your eyes and nose are your best allies when assessing food quality; when stored correctly, most food tends to last longer than what’s written on the package.
  • Cook from scratch, and get creative and use your leftovers to make new recipes…or look online for inspiration!
  • If you can, grow your own vegetable/tea/herbs/fruit patch: it takes a good amount of labour, but theres nothing like eating from your garden. And you’ll be surprised of how easy is to grow many plants, even if you live in the city and all you have is a small balcony (link to portable veg garden)
  • Plan your meals: you will be more in control of what you eat and how much you spend every week for your food.