A blog about sustainable living and personal enrichment

Category: Declutter your life

  • How to cut your waste without losing your mind

    If you are reading this post, you are probably interested in finding out what’s all this fuss about zero waste and minimalism, or maybe you’ve already taken some steps towards a clutter-free existence. Either way, when researching this topic it becomes clear very soon that leading a waste free life has its challenges and can…

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  • 6 reasons why you should be a Minimalist

    Any of us can find personal reasons in our life for which minimalism can make us more successful and happy. Here are six reasons (not in order of importance) which will keep you motivated in your journey: Owning less stuff helps you being more organised; you’ll waste less time cleaning and maintaining your possessions, and…

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  • Less is more…Fill the blanks (and revolutionize your life)

    Can we all be minimalists? If you do a quick search in the blogosphere of websites about simple living, you’ll find a lot about the ‘Minimalism’ revolution; you will also spot a trend very quickly: it looks like minimalists have a lot in common (especially the ones who decided to blog about it). They are…

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  • A simply fuller life – your journey starts here!

    A blog about sustainable living and personal enrichment Are you fed up with the materialistic and disposable culture we live in, and looking for ideas on how to have a fuller life living simply (maybe saving some money in the process)? Are you tired of going paycheck to paycheck, spending most of your life at…

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  • Why Minimalism is not as stressful as you might think

    The ‘Zero Waste’ race Extreme examples of “zero waste champions” are great for inspiration; look online and you’ll find an army of devoted minimalist. Some of them banned any item made in plastic from their home; others managed to fit a year worth of rubbish in a medium sized glass jar. Some swear they won’t…

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