A blog about sustainable living and personal enrichment

A simply fuller life – your journey starts here!

A blog about sustainable living and personal enrichment

a simply fuller life is finding beauty in the simple things, like a bench in the park in a sunny day
Find beauty in the simple things

Are you fed up with the materialistic and disposable culture we live in, and looking for ideas on how to have a fuller life living simply (maybe saving some money in the process)?

Are you tired of going paycheck to paycheck, spending most of your life at work to buy things you don’t really need to impress people you don’t really care about?

Do you feel overwhelmed by society’s expectations, and are looking for inspiration on how to live your life in a more intentional way?

Are you worried about our impact on the environment and are looking for ways to reduce your footprint and live more sustainably?

If you answered “yes!” to at least one of the questions listed above, you came to the right place!

Declutter your life

I’m Wilma, and I started this lifestyle blog with a goal in mind: to share (and discuss!) secrets with my lovely readers on how to live a better life spending more time doing what we like with the people we love.

Quite ambitious, isn’t it? Let me explain…

We live in a wonderful world, and when I say ‘wonderful’ I really mean it: technology advancements help us deal with our daily tasks, and the world wide web allows us to be connected and informed like never before. The market is always one step ahead, satisfying our needs before we even realise those needs exist.

But nowadays we are given so much choice that it’s easy to fall in a trap: we all feel pressured to aspire to ‘instagrammable’ relationships and to get into the ‘right’ career in an effort to conform with everybody else around us: we surround ourselves with ‘stuff’ with the promise that it will make us feel more fulfilled: we use the social media to get validation from people who are trapped in the same vicious routine.

Focus on what’s important to YOU

We are often more focused on what LOOKS good, instead of caring for what IS good for us.

But guess what: we don’t have to achieve the same goals which other people think are important to be successful: we don’t need ‘things’ to be happy; we can’t waste our time crafting a perfect existence in our social media bubble instead of going out there and trying to be good to us and our community one day after the other. If you start living life in your own terms, eliminating all the unnecessary noise from your mind and decluttering your personal space, you’ll feel free to make your own destiny, and no achievement will be impossible…and I’m talking from personal experience.

Make your life richer…living simply!

So, to go back to the opening sentence of this post: the world we live in is wonderful, but we can make it work for us at its best only if we simplify our approach to life and connect to our inner selves to understand what we really want and need in life.

Follow me while I experiment ways of simplyfing my life in all its different aspects, and I try to be more intentional in the choices I make daily; from decluttering your living space, to learning recipes to cook your own food, to having an overall healthier lifestyle, I hope this blog will help you to live simply, and to live more.

Live Simply, Live More is also on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.